Our Services Aim To Your Happiness


Technology is essential in the learning process of VIPs. The needs of people who are blind are different from those with low vision: People who are completely blind require equipment such as computers, laptops, Braille reader software, screen reading programs, and high-tech canes for their orientation and mobility. People with low vision require computers, laptops, Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV), along with other assistive equipment.

The main challenge in utilizing such technology in Egypt is that most of the equipment was for English-speaking VIPs, parents, teachers, and caregivers. Baseera has started to work on translating and adapting some equipment for Arabic-speaking users.

Future Goals:

– Continue translating and adapting equipment to be suitable for Arabic-speaking users.

– Developing new software and equipment suitable for Arabic-speaking users in Egypt and other Arabic-speaking countries.

Contact us

Dokki Branch:
47 Soliman Gohar Street, Dokki, Giza
Tel : +20237626081
Mob: +201000220596
Google Map

Heliopolis Branch:
10 Hassan Moussa Elakkad street, behind Palestine Hospital
Tel: +20226910294
Mob: +201000220596
Google Map

Alexandria Branch:
46 Al Akbal Street, Taha Tower 2, 3rd Floor
Tel: +2033555582
Mob: +201013054320
Google Map


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